Compare DHC vs DHCx

SVALT Cooling Dock DHC vs DHCx products Design
  • DHC: The DHCR and DHC designs prioritize maximum heatsink performance for both silent passive airflow and fan driven active airflow. Separating the cooling fan from the heatsink avoids having to remove thermal mass and cooling surface area to make room for a built-in fan, which provides the DHCR and DHC heatsinks with higher cooling capacity. The separated fan also allows the fan to be located within unrestricted open air for increased airflow and decreased noise.
  • DHCx: The DHCx offers a single item configuration with a smaller product footprint and the convenience of a built-in fan for users that want active airflow cooling.
Cooling Performance
  • DHC: #2 overall performance ranking with optional Fx Cooling Fan, so slightly better than the DHCx.
  • DHCx: #3 overall performance ranking compared to the DHC with Fx, but out performs the DHC without the Fx.
Cooling Fin Count
  • DHC: 6 wide cooing fins and 5 wide vertical air channels for increased cooling airflow for increased cooling surface area.
  • DHCx: 5 wide cooing fins and 4 wide vertical air channels for increased cooling airflow.
Cooling Fin Surface Area
  • DHC: 72 square inches of cooling fin surface area for increased heat transfer to passive and active airflow.
  • DHCx: 27 square inches of cooling fin surface area.
Thermal Mass
  • DHC: 2.3 pound heatsink carved from solid aluminum for increased thermal capacity and improved heat movement through thermal mass.
  • DHCx: 2.0 pound heatsink carved from solid aluminum for improved heat movement through thermal mass.
  • DHC: $219 for 3rd gen, plus $49 for separate Fx Cooling Fan.
  • DHCx: $269 with an installed fan cooling system.
  • DHC: The DHC is sold out and discontinued, see the new MxD Cooling Dock.
  • DHCx: The DHCx is sold out and discontinued, see the new MxD Cooling Dock.